Quarterly Reports

Quarterly reports are due this week — please take a few minutes to fill out the form and let us know what you’ve been doing. You can find the reporting link on the bottom of the “for marshals” page of our site, or just click here: Quarterly Report Form

Like much of our youth combat program, the practice of quarterly reporting somewhat ground to a halt over the last few years due to the Covid shutdown, but now that things are returning to normal we need folks to get back in the habit of checking in regularly so we can accurately inform Kingdom and Society of our activities.

Therefore, if you are a currently-warranted youth marshal or marshal-in-training, whether you’ve been active this quarter or totally quiet over the winter, please find some time this week to complete the form — there’s only a dozen or so fields to fill in, and no trick questions.

Note that if we don’t hear from you at all during the coming season, we’ll have to assume you’ve gone inactive, and eventually you’ll be dropped from the roster of warranted youth marshals so that we have an accurate picture of who’s currently involved — but we’d much rather have everyone’s help as we work to regain our momentum and provide this unique opportunity for our youth.

Thank you, and we’re looking forward to an exciting year!