
Hundred Minutes War

Thanks to the half-dozen youth fighters who came out to Hundred Minutes War — as well as the half-dozen marshals and MiTs who showed up to help out! It was great to get one last round of outdoor fighting in before the...

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Schedule for Pennsic 50

The youth combat schedule for Pennsic 50 has been posted, as an image and a PDF file. For live updates during the war, consult the pennsic.youthcombat.org mini-site, which will publish schedule changes and weather-related cancellations.

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Second Quarter Reports

Quarterly reports for youth combat marshals and MITs were due yesterday, but we’ve got a bit of a grace period, so if you haven’t submitted your report yet, please do so in the next few days. (And if you have been training...

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Thanks to everyone who came out and made youth combat at Mudthaw a success despite the cold weather. We had six fighters, including a mix of newcomers and experienced Div IIIs, and I was impressed with the way the more-senior kids dialed...

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Spring Events

The youth combat calendar is shaping up nicely, and we expect to see youth combat at the following events this spring: • Mudthaw, March 25, Settmour. • Daffodils, April 22, Midland Vale. • Balfar’s, April 29, Dragonship. • Crown Tournament and Kingdom...

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Quarterly Reports

Quarterly reports are due this week — please take a few minutes to fill out the form and let us know what you’ve been doing. You can find the reporting link on the bottom of the “for marshals” page of our site,...

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New EK Youth Combat Champions!

Our First Deputy of Youth Combat , Kyria Eikaterine tin Elliniki, has provided the following report from the Tournament of the Daffodils V that was held on April 30, 2022. We had a really lovely EK Youth Combat Championship tournament at Daffodils Saturday....

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Updated Calendar!

Please wander over to the calendar page to see all the upcoming events that will have youth fighter activities. Things are beginning to open up again, and the youth of our Kingdom will have opportunities to show their mettle on the field.

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